Wednesday, April 22, 2009

American Idol Season 8: Danny vs Adam Round 8

Last week was kinda historic moment in American Idol. Matt Giraud who was voted off in the competition was the first contestant saved by the judges. The one time save for the entire season was finally used which means two contestants will be going home this week and no one can save them anymore. During that episode, I was really moved on the drama that happened that it brought me in the brink of tears . It was just so nice seeing all of the contestants wanting to save Matt. They really are like a family.

I really got to start feeling doubtful about Danny’s fate in this competition right at this moment. His performance on September wasn’t even that good compared to the rest of the competitors. Online polls were showing his popularity was fading like a smoke in the sea of air. Matt, Allison and dangerous darkhorse right now Kris is inching their way to sneak in on Danny. So step it up Danny. Danny looked hideous with that beard by the way.

The man to beat in this competition is no other than the great Adam Lambert. This guy had showed us varieties of performances of different levels of entertainment and all of them are now sort of an instant classic. People are even arguing which performance from Adam is the best. The thing is, Adam is way above the competition. He is the mighty contestant, the chosen one, the one who is destined to take it all. Tonight, with his flawless rendition of the heartbreaking “disco music turned ballad” If I Can’t Have You that brought Paula Abdul shivering in tears, feels like there is no stopping on Lambert's destined idol glory.

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